Friday, June 28, 2013

Show me a Sign

I'm sure a lot of people have seen movies where someone is shown "a sign from God" or "a sign from above" but recently I've been wondering if such a thing really exists. Are there really clues in Life that guide us to our destiny? Like who we should marry, where we should live and what we should work as? 
If someone THINKS they've seen a sign, a sign that's way too specific to be a mere coincidence should that person pursue it? For example a man lifts his head towards the sky, closes his eyes and says "Please show me a sign leading me towards the person I will spend the rest of my life with" after which he opens his eyes to find a blue butterfly has landed on his ring finger. Days, weeks, months pass after this and he spots a girl. A girl wearing a shirt that has a blue butterfly on it. Should this man take this phenomena as incentive to meet and get to know this person in the hopes that she is the One? 

As I think about it I admit I like the idea. Especially when it comes to love and finding your happily ever after because it's sweet. Finding your wife by following a blue butterfly. Finding something beautiful by following something beautiful. Also it will make a great story later on when friends ask how you and your wife met. 

But I believe that the existence of a sign depends on how much the individual wants it to be a sign. Like how much the individual doesn't want to mess up in reaching whatever they want so they frantically look for clues and hints to make sure they're still on the right path. But if signs don't exist, these people are just wasting energy looking for these signs. Maybe they may even stray from the good path because they think they saw a sign leading them somewhere else. 

In the end however, it all depends on what we believe in and how strongly we believe in it. If someone has a strong belief in signs then they WILL find what they are destined to find. Just remember you don't need to look for and follow signs that lead to your destiny because if you're destined to be someone or do something then it will happen eventually. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013


      the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint

      Above is the definition of "Freedom" exactly how is it written in the dictionary. Now my question is "How do we know when (or if) we are really free?" 

      I think, for the most part at least, freedom is an illusion to keep us in line. To avoid chaos. I'm sure all of you have seen the movie The Matrix which is a perfect example of what I mean. The Matrix was freedom but it was nothing more than a smoke screen keeping people in line to avoid rebellions against those who created the illusion. 

      No one is genuinely free. We are all in a prison of some kind whether its  our jobs, our schools, our families or our country's laws. No one can do whatever the hell they want and expect to get away with it unless of course what they want to do is follow the rules with a passion.

      I stumbled upon the picture below one day while searching Google images for something. It may not have exactly brightened up my day but one thing it thankfully did do was open my eyes.

      I now accept the fact that I'm not free and to be honest, it makes me happier because at least I'm not lying to myself. I'd much rather have the ugly truth than a beautiful lie.