Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Tortoise and the Hare

Personally I'm a smoker. I enjoy smoking and so I keep smoking with no intention of quitting any time soon. It's apparent that smoking is affecting me because I find myself unable to hold my breath for as long as I used to and I get winded after climbing just 3 flights of stairs. Smoking leads to death- This is something all of us know and death is something most of us don't want just yet. However sometimes I wonder what if death is a good thing? What if it's not as bad as we see it in movies and TV? What if it's some kind of escape? I mean without the gift of death, none of us would be granted the path to paradise right?

I look at the work I have to do for college: reports and reports, presentations and final exams. Ugh. I can't be fucked to do any of that shit. I look at the consequences of not doing my best here and now. Which would most likely be a crap job with mediocre pay, therefore a mediocre place to live in and essentially a "Miserably Ever After" because I chose to slack at the wrong time. The thought of that worries me quite a bit but then my mind drifts elsewhere and I think So What? So what if I live my life in a small one room apartment in a rough area of town? So what if I live in a multi-million dollar mansion sitting on acres upon acres of private land? So what if I can buy anything or nothing I want? In the end Death will collect us all right? 

The way I thought of it was like a videogame. When you press start you're born and live your life in this game almost like the Sims. You do as good or as bad as you want in this game and get appropriate rewards. One problem though: this game has no "Save" option. Once you die that's it all your progress is lost. 
So what I think is "What's the point of doing good here when you will be rewarded with paradise after passing away?". Of course that doesn't mean I'm a suicidal wreck, nor does it mean I support suicide, however the thought of suicide does intrigue me. The thought of self termination as a result of a miserable life or a pressure-filled workplace or simply a series of unfortunate events. 

Smoking, I believe, is a very very slow form of suicide because it takes a while to get to you. It's not like hanging yourself or jumping off a roof or pulling a trigger. I won't be surprised if someone out there's reason for smoking is that he/she wants to pass away but they don't want it to be quick. A choice between the Tortoise and the Hare. This person chose the Tortoise as opposed to other people who are just fed up with their lives and so choose the Hare method. Some smokers, regardless of how much you see them smile and laugh, may possibly be begging and longing for Death's touch so they may be shown the gates of the Afterlife. These people, who want death, will not hang or shoot themselves because their lives are not terrible. In fact they have running water, a roof over their heads, a fridge filled will food, money in their wallets and cars in their garages. Most likely they are more than thankful for all they have been blessed with but feel like something is missing. A desire so precious that they are willing to end their lives on this plane just so they may achieve their biggest wish in another plane i.e. paradise. Thus they see smoking as the perfect form of suicide for them because it paces the dying out amongst years they still have to be with their friends and family. When they take their first drag from their first cigarette they know they are going to die sooner and so try with their heart and soul to make the most of their lives on Earth so they may be rewarded for their selflessness later on.

A small piece I wrote about Death inspired me to write this post. This is that original piece:

A Beautiful Death

The Reaper's true intention- Salvation
Cursed with the gift of silence 
Blessed with the curse of guidance
He lightens the Gates of Judgment
We escape the Hate and Torment

1 comment:

  1. The part about the death of anyone that sucks most is missing the person who passed. That never goes away for the people you leave behind.

    It's ultimately up to an individual how to live (or end) their lives, but the smoking option, while long-term in most cases and allows one to still experience the whole development of life, is so not a picnic if they end up getting sick later on. I'd rather go quick than rot away with cancer, something spontaneous and instant, or relaxed like sleeping and never waking up.
