Monday, May 27, 2013

What's App Rage

I love just simply having a conversation with a friend on What's App and I'm sure all if not most of you do too. Because of how much I enjoy conversations I've developed the skill of carrying a conversation and I call it a "skill" because it's getting harder and harder to find people who can actually fucking talk through texts so it might as well be a skill. I'm sure you know them, they're those people who's favorite things to say are "nm, k, lol and :)". These four message responses are what I call "Conversation Killers" and should not be used unless the person you're talking to is someone you HATE. Like fucking despise. Every time I send a paragraph message or a question that requires a bit of effort in response like "What's your opinion about blah blah blah?", each one word answer I get in response feels like a gap I have to jump like I'm playing Sonic for crying out loud.

It's so aggravating when you're TRYING to have a conversation because it shouldn't be hard unless one of the people is genuinely busy with something. In that case say "brb" and come back later whenever you can. That's another thing that ticks me off, when someone says "brb studying" or whatever the case may be and then just ok what am I supposed to do now?? Realistically it's just rude. It makes the other person almost regret starting the conversation in the first place because it's almost like not only did they run face-first into a brick wall but someone painted a huge middle finger on it. Since I don't like when that happens to me I don't do it to others. I say "brb" and when I get the chance to respond I apologize that I couldn't talk. That's it. A simple "Sorry I couldn't talk earlier, did you need anything? You're alright? Good just making sure :)" It's just being polite because think of the person on the other side. He/she came to you looking for a conversation with their FRIEND. A person they consider a loved one. It's a dick move to skip them like that.

Another thing I don't like is when someone who NEVER talks to you on what's app or real life or anything comes to you ONLY when they want something. For example throughout a semester of college they don't even make you feel like their friend. You don't really mind because you have other friends right? So the semester continues and then you finally come to your exam period. That's when you become bestest friends with EVERYONE. Everyone comes to you and asks for cheat sheets or PowerPoints or other study materials. This is one of the few exceptions where the act of making you feel nonexistent until they want something is actually alright. I do it and I don't feel bad when I do because I'm looking to my acquaintances and classmates for classwork. Is there anything wrong with that? Maybe there is something wrong with it but it's not major. But someone who only comes to you when they're sad or angry and want to vent is just irritating because you're just there thinking "Is that all I am to you? A fucking punching bag?". And they don't even return the favor when you're in need of someone to talk to. When you come to them they either give you the "get over it" vibe or they don't even ask if you wanna talk about it. You throw hints like "Sorry I'm not as talkative as I usually am. I'm feeling kinda down". They reply with "Oh it's ok I understand. It happens to everyone". If I'm someone remotely important to you at least make me feel like that and ask if something's wrong so you can help me like how I helped you all those other times.

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