Thursday, May 30, 2013

War is Hell

Alright I don't watch a lot of news so I don't really know what's going on in the world. The reason why is because it's just too damn depressing. Like I don't want to start or end my day watching a true story that happened a week ago of 15 people dying and 4 people with limbs blown off as a result of a strategically placed bomb. Regardless of my lack of knowledge in this field I do know one thing: War is stupid !!

War shouldn't be around anymore, it should be obsolete by now. People are waiting for the future, people making movies about the future -news flash- WE ARE IN THE FUTURE so let's start acting like it. What I don't get about war is that some dude, while looking at a big big map, goes "Hmm I think I'll enjoy spreading my nation unto these lands here. Gentlemen kill the inhabitants of this area so I may own the land they walk on." And he sends like a couple of million of his own military troops to the land to slaughter them. Like alright dude you want that land? Fine no problem but you're gonna have to score it yourself because it's not fair to send the men of your country on this mission while you sit in your comfy chair, in your air conditioned office, sipping on your favorite drink and watching your favorite show. People are being put through hell out there as per your order and you sit there empty of any and all compassion for your fellow man. In the end all you care about is if you win or lose. And if you lose you try again sending more husbands, more friends, more sons, more fathers into Slaughter City.

I understand why we have armies though, armies are good but only to defend ourselves in case of an attack. But war I believe was necessary in the past when people were less civilized. When you couldn't sit down, talk and negotiate. Also back then it was survival of the fittest. Fighting for land to expand the small handful of people living in a small town. Now however, war shouldn't even be in the dictionary. What breaks my heart is when I see men and women in military attire, going down on one knee to kiss their son or daughter goodbye in the airport before getting on the plane. It's not fair for the child or the parent and what if (God forbid) that's the last time this 4 year old child will see their mom or dad? What if Daddy won't be there at their graduation? What if Mommy won't be there to kiss it better when the child falls of their bike? These, I believe, are crucial moments in a child's life because it makes them realize what love is. How to care and love others. I mean they are the future aren't they? What kind of future are we looking at if the children of the present don't know how to care for and love one another?

What I think should happen is if this dude Captain Douchebag wants some piece of land he should play chess with the other leader. It's the war that can be played without any innocents dying. Without any family separations. Even playing Call of Fucking Duty will be better than sending real soldiers into war. Even paintball ! Play paintball and see who wins !! Anything that can save lives !

There are almost 7,000 languages in the world. We have been blessed with the gift of communication. Verbal communication gets the point across so effectively and the modern world provides us with the ability to connect with anyone who speaks one of these 7,000 languages. You can't negotiate with a firearm. Guns. Can't. Talk. It may be true that actions speak louder than words but actions get people killed so the saying is void when it comes to war.
Talk people. Stop the killing. And if wars end who knows? We may not even need armies for protection. We may not have the need for firearms or knives or any form of weapon and if we get rid of them too who knows? Levels of crime may plummet.

A father should die in the presence of his son's love and care. Not by a bullet, not by a car, but by means of a hospital bed.

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